Trucking/wood is good

Trucking/wood is good


Today our class got to learn about Trucking and wood is good. They tort us about how they get the trees from the frost to the mills . I really enjoyed looking at all the fascinating buttons and accessories. I really enjoyed honking the horn and looking at the logs.What I thought was fascinating is that every tree they cut down is 4 trees planted in our environment. 

paint ball



We were stuck behind our base paintball are flying through crack in the tuff corrugated iron and the the windows one paintball came flying, through the window and hit my head ow about 2 seconds after that, I ran away from base and up to the next bit of corrugated iron, then 20 seconds after my one team mate shot me on my hip, and the worst bit was the closest you could shot someone is 5 meters and they shot me from 4 meters. Then from the first bit of corrugated iron to the second then we shot everyone and Brock ran with me laying out cover and he though the barrel at the base and he hit it which won the game. 






The story about Jeffrey and Gerald Gerald is the turtle he does not like Jeffrey. Gerald always pokes the finger at Jeffrey. Jeffrey does not like Gerald poking the finger at him so sometimes Jeffrey comes over and steals his food to teach him a lesion. But that does not teach him a lesion. So one day  Jeffrey took Gerald’s Shell and hid it . Gerald looked and looked for his shell but he couldn’t find it so he asked Jeffrey if he had seen it  Jeffrey said yes. You have to stop poking the finger at me and I will tell you where your shell is. Gerald said OK I’ll stop poking the finger at you. Then he got his shell back and they will both be happy. The end.


If you have any feedback please let me know by commenting on my blog post. I believe that I could write more next time. What do you think? I believe that I have spelt most of these words correctly.    


fun day friday

In the morning at school we were all ready to go to manuwai lakes. When we got there we had a safety brief for when we attended our first activity. My first activity was paddle boarding around an island. We were getting tortured on how to paddle board the rite way.  


Our next activity is safety boating. First we put on our life jackets and jumped in the water. I was the strongest in my group so I got to be at the front of the chaine we practiced going under the boat . 


Finally we went sailing and Indika was in a group and we won the race out and back . 

At the start we were throwing tennis balls at each other. It was very fun . 


If you have any feedback please let me know by commenting on my blog post. I believe that I could write more next time. What do you think?

Far north helps community

A year 5/6 Enviro class. In NZ and near oruaiti , Mangonui and far North. They help the locals by supporting the locals by making an online pataka kai,  by having them share good deeds about them and they will get one of these products: Beeswax wrap ,Honey in a jar and much much more. How is the online pataka kai going to help?  Did you know that Oruaiti school was founded in 1898 . Kowhi class (year 1 students) have been making tea-towels called bee towels. Oruaiti school has 4 bee hives so they thought They should continue the bee theme. How did you create the Degisens for the bee towels?

We drew pictures of bees and then Rob sent them to a nice man who turned the pictures into stencils. Said Astra Gruebner


How the products are made


Year 2 and 3 students have been making bee towels. Bee towels are tea towels but they have bees painted on them. The school has 4 bee hives so they had a bee theme.


If you have any feedback please let me know by commenting on my blog post. I believe that I could write more next time. What do you think?

Stunt kid novel

Stunt kid by Jack health 

  • age 11 reading age 


An upcoming stunt that scares Levi the most.The dangerous stunt that is coming is leaping a car across a pit full of metal spikes.Levi’s father is trying to kill him. Well, not really, but that’s what it feels like to Levi most of the time. Levi’s dad is mad keen to make movies like his favorite movie star Joe Dangerfield.She has a plan for Levi to avoid being impaled which is brilliant except for when it goes horribly sideways. Levi is now in more strife than ever.This story about a reluctant stunt star.



 Levi:   Levi is the reluctant star in his dad’s new movie, but is too nice to tell his dad that he is completely crazy.

Dad: He doesn’t care about his safety or his kid . He is kind of funny but stuped at the same time. He also thinks he is a superstar but he is just a wannabe.

Maya: This is where his best friend Maya comes in. It does help that she is an evil genius.


This is a good book. I love all the drama in this book. When you start reading this book it is very hard to stop reading this book detective foo’s horse just doesn’t make any sense at all . I really enjoyed reading about this book and these stuped characters who don’t think about their safety or each other. Other than that I love this story. This would be a good story for a year 6-7.This is a good story for people that like intense moments.  



 Plant: AkeAke


AkeAke Main uses: Internally for pain. Helps with fevers, Inflammation and gut cramps or spasms. Normally used for Toothache, Headaches. 


Things the plant can be used for: a tea or in liquid herbal formulas to support the body in cases of sore throats, cough and treating the common cold. The fruit pulp of the Akeake can also be used to make soap.


If you have any feedback please let me know by commenting on my blog post. I believe that I could write more next time. What do you think?


limerick poem

My name is Levi and I like to ride the waves. 

Sometimes they can last for days.

And if i’m not surfing i like playing soccer. 

While mum drinks her mocha.

When I miss the goal I call it a shocker.


If you have any feedback on this poem please comment.

limerick poem

My name is Levi and I like to ride the waves. 

Sometimes they can last for days.

And if i’m not surfing i like playing soccer. 

While mum drinks her mocha.

When I miss the goal I call it a shocker.

I think next time I could add more descriptive words next time what do you think.

If you have any other feedback please comment. Thank you for reading😀

year 5 speech What makes Oruaiti school so Special?

What makes oruaiti school so special


Hi, I am Levi and this is my daily routine:


Bang!! I fall out of bed at 8:23, we speed to Oruaiti school, what crazy project will we be working on today?


Why is oruaiti  school so special you ask ?  With good reason, because we won an environmental award. The fact of the matter is we have ducks, wetlands and bees and much Much More.  It’s clear for all to see…… Come over to oruaiti school to see for yourself.  How could anyone possibly Not want to be part of our School?  We will also get a bike track.


Why we need an adventure playground 


We need an Adventure Playground .

Today I am going to be talking to you about why we need an adventure playground.

 So kids can ride around the bike track. Play can happen nearly anywhere, with nearly anything, and under nearly any circumstances. Adventure playgrounds are places where kids create and change their own environment. Instead of typical playground equipment like swings, slides, and; loose pieces of wood, tires, and whatever else can be found is used to create whatever you want it to be.


We need more space


Councils have taken a long time, The builders are getting hung up, it is cramped and drafty. Also our school is growing really fast and we need a lot more space fast or else we will have to A lot more classrooms and we probably can’t afford a lot more classrooms. The teacher’s would not like to use all of the school’s money because then the school may have to shut down and we don’t want that to have to happen. Also if we don’t use up backspace that is just wasted school property.


Learning new skills and fun 


This applies not only to students, but also to teachers, being kind Two others and learning new skills like how to hit a berm, Going on a swing and not falling off.Tire swing in pins, picnic area, slide and bike track.


My class is an enviro class and we have a really cool outdoor classroom, and we had a lot to do with the enviro award. We all work together and it is fun.

For these reasons, I strongly believe that Oruaiti school is the Best school for kids’ to require education in the Far North. I think you should consider coming to Oruaiti school! Is it worth missing out on a school that has such exciting opportunities? Of course you don’t  want to miss out!We will plant about 6,000 thousand plants at the wetlands and the other 4,000 thousand at the adventure playground. We have been Calling contractors which I think is actually pretty cool because in the future we will know how to Contact contractors . I strongly believe that Oruaiti School is the best school ever. This is the end of my speech. I hope you liked it.  Bye😀